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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcoholism


Different types of alcohol
There are various types of alcohol like methyl alcohol or wood alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol. Methyl alcohol is used as a solvent for lacquers and as an antifreeze in automobile radiators. It is highly poisonous and should not be taken. Even small quantities of it can cause blindness or death. Isopropyl alcohol is often used as rubbing alcohol. Alcohol is also poisonous and the bottles are marked as "for external use only". Ethyl alcohol or ethanol is the drinking alcohol that is consumed by the people in different forms. In this topic we will come to know about ethyl alcohol, its short term and long term effects.

Kinds of alcoholic beverages
Ethyl alcohol or ethanol (C2H5OH), also called drinking alcohol is produced by the action of yeast on sugars. The sources of sugar used are generally from fruits (like grapes) and grains (like corn, rye, barley or wheat). Ethyl alcohol is consumed as a beverage in a number of ways. Depending on the content of alcohol, there can be two types of alcoholic beverages.
(i) Fermented beverages with low content of alcohol like beer, toddy and wine.
(ii) Distilled beverages with a relatively high content of alcohol like arrack, brandy, rum, whisky, gin, vodka, etc.
Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcoholism p
The term alcoholism refers to the chronic dependence on alcohol. The person who is dependent on alcohol is called an alcoholic. An alcoholic needs proper medical supervision and help from the family and friends to break off his habit and overcome the addiction. Alcoholics can be found in all sections of society. People often begin with occasional social drinking and with small doses but soon become addictive to it and take to heavy drinking. Alcohol is an intoxicant and acts as a slow poison for the body. Most people are moderate drinkers. They can take it or leave it. They often make a single drink last for quite some time so that their body can oxidize alcohol about as fast as it enters the body. This way the alcohol is lessened and they have very few visible effects. Alcoholics are heavy drinkers. With heavy drinking the amount of alcohol in their blood keeps rising and their nervous system gets affected. Their vision becomes distorted, their walk becomes wobbly and the speech gets garbled. To overcome their habit of using alcohol, alcoholics need the cooperation of their family and friends.

Reasons for Drinking
The people take to drink alcohol for a number of reasons.
(i) Social and peer group pressure.
(ii) Just for the sake of fun and excitement.
(iii) To get a feeling of independence.
(iv) As a reaction to stress – to relieve tension.
(v) As an escape from reality when life seems unpleasant temporarily.

Alcoholism and Driving
Drinking and driving do not go together. A person under the influence of alcohol may not even realize how disastrous it can be to drive at that moment. Given below are some of the effects of alcohol that are dangerous while driving.

Impairment of Judgement of distance: A person under the influence of alcohol is not able to judge the distance accurately. His ability to judge the distance is distorted.

Poor coordination between head and eyes: A drunken driver has a poor control over the vehicle. He becomes reckless driver as the coordination between his brain and eyes is impaired.

Lack of alertness: A drunken driver may fail to recognize the objects outside his vehicle. His mind is not attentive and cannot concentrate on driving.

Blurred vision: the driver has as unsteady and blurred vision. He fails to recognize various road signals like stop lights, road flashers, dividers or turns.

Increased reaction time: Reaction time is the length of a time a person takes to respond to a stimulus. The normal reaction time is about 2/3rd of a second. A drunken driver with an increased reaction time takes longer to respond to an emergency situation. Along with poor judgement, it leads to tragic accidents. If the driver suddenly sees something on the road ahead of him, he takes longer to apply brakes resulting in the accident. Many innocent people get killed or are disabled by the accidents caused by the drunken drivers and alcohol.

Careless and discourteous behaviour: A drunken driver is an erratic, and a rash driver. He seldom gives right of way and often speeds and takes risks.

An alcoholic needs a sympathetic understanding and cooperation of the family members and friends to overcome drinking. An alcoholic uses alcohol as an escape from reality problem of life. So the foremost thing during Dealcoholism is to find the problem that underlies his drinking. Alcoholic needs volunteers to help him overcome the problem rather than take to alcohol. Dealcoholism is a gradual process. A person does not leave alcohol all of sudden. He may undergo withdrawal symptoms and may need proper medical care. There are a number of voluntary and private organizations that help people overcome the habit of taking alcohol and help them lead a healthy fulfilling life. They teach them how to cope up with stress and advise not to take alcohol. Some alcoholics with mental delirium may need to be admitted to hospitals and under the care of psychologists and doctors. It may take longer for these people to overcome the problem.


xyzseira said...

I think these people needs the alcoholism treatment that they deserve in order to improve their way of living and have the sobriety they need to set them free from this substance.

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